Dr J. Chakamba
Qualifications: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (University of KwaZuluNatal: 2020); Master of Education Degree in Building Technology& Design (University of Zimbabwe :2007); Bachelor of Education Degree in Building Technology and Design (University of Zimbabwe :1994); Secondary School Teacher’s Certificate (Belvedere Technical Teachers’ College, in Association with the University of Zimbabwe: 1986)
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Research Interests: Curriculum design, implementation and Evaluation; Inclusive Education; Technical Teacher Education; Assessment Issues in Education; TVET and Design Technology; Correctional Education Systems.
Specialist Areas: The Built Environment; Design Technology Education; Teacher education.
Consultancy and Advisory Work
Programme Peer reviewer - Zimbabwe Council for Higher Education (ZIMCHE)
Item Reviewer
- Southern Africa Journal of Education (SAJE);
- Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research(ZJER);
- IGI Global
Professional membership committees/boards
- Member of the University of Zimbabwe capital projects advisory;
- Faculty representative –student travel committee;
- Member of a sub-committee on reconfiguration of the University of Zimbabwe’s Faculty of Education;
- Faculty sub-committee representative-Safety committee;
- Examiner – HEXCO; Examiner – ZIMSEC; Item Writer – DTE/HEXCO/ZIMSEC;
- External Assessor DTE Scheme of Association;
Academic Appointments
- CHAIRPERSON: Department of Art Design and Technology Education; University of Zimbabwe, Faculty of Education.
- SENIOR LECTURER: Department of Art Design and Technology Education (Building Technology and Design) University Of Zimbabwe.