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    Faculty of Arts And Humanities

    Faculty of Arts And Humanities is a university division specializing in teaching in areas traditionally classified as “arts” for academic purposes.

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    Arts And Humanities  Degrees

    If you want to study Arts And Humanities please click below to see a list of our Degree Programmes.

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    Arts And Humanities Degrees


    If you want to study Arts And Humanitiesplease click below to see a list of our Degree Programmes.

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Our Faculties


Level 2 :  A student shall register for 2 core courses and 10 options from the list below

Level 3 : A student shall take and pass 4 core courses and 4 options from the list under Level 2 provided they were not

                    taken at Level 2, plus a dissertation

Level Course Code Description Prerequisite Course Units Status
2 HND0400 Ndebele Poetry 10


HND0450 Ndebele Drama 10
HND0500 Theoretical Aspects of African Literature 10


HND0510 Theories of Literature and Criticism 10
HND0520 Elements of Ndebele Linguistic Structure 10
HND0530 Theoretical Aspects of Ndebele Linguistic Structure 10
HND0540 Translation 10
HND0550 Lexicography 10
HND0560 Introduction to Ethnomusicology 10
HND0570 Ethnography and Organology 10
HND0580 Introduction to Acting and Performance 10
HND0590 Playmaking Workshop 10
HND0600 Ndebele Oral Literature 10
HND0610 Aspects of Ndebele Thought 10
HND0620 Theories and Methods in Ethnomusicology 10
HND0630 Trends in Ethnomusicology 10
HND0640 Introduction to Uses of Theatre 10
HND0650 Project in Uses of Theatre 10
HND0170 Trends in Zimbabwean Literature 20
HND0180 Speech Styles and their Social Context 20
HND0150 General Linguistic Theory 20
HND0160 Sociolinguistics 20
3 HND0700 The Development of the Ndebele Novel 10 Core
HND0710 Themes and Perspectives in the Ndebele Novel 10
HND0720 Nguni Dialects 10
HND0730 Language Planning and Orthography 10
HND3370 Dissertation 40

Note: The overall assessment of the Course, Practical Drama, will be done through the written examination (35%), assignments (25%) and Drama (40%).

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