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Professor Francis Matambirofa

Associate Professor

Professor Francis Matambirofa

Qualifications: PhD (UZ), MA (UZ), BA Hons (UZ), Grad. C.E. (UZ)

Research interests: Comparative Bantu Linguistics, Computational Lexicography, Shona Linguistic Structure, General Linguistic Theory


  1. Mpofu-Hamadziripi N., Ngunga, A., Mberi, E.N., Matambirofa, F. (2013) Descriptive Grammar of Shona, 2013, Sable Press, Harare.
  1. Matambirofa, F. “Some Remarks on zvi-‘s Agreement Characteristics in Shona” in Zambezia, Vol. 34, Nos. i/ii 2007 - published 2011.
  1. Matambirofa, F.,”The Noun Concordance System: Some Remarks on Nouns’ Participation in Bantu Syntactic Structure”, in Language Contact, Identity and Socio-Economic Mobility, (eds.) Alison Love (2011) et al. National University of Lesotho, Roma.
  1. Matambirofa, F., The Syntax of Applicative and Causative Constructions in Shona: An LFG/LMT Account, (2010), LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, Germany.
  1. Matambirofa, F., “Argument Structure and the Morphosyntax of the Ideophone in Bantu: Some Preliminary Remarks”, in A. Ngunga (ed.), (2009),       Lexicografia e Descrição de Linguas Bantu, Centro de Estudos Africanos, Maputo.
  1. Matambirofa, F., “Zimbabwe”, “Sirivhiya”,”Mhepo”. Shona Poems in Jakwara reNhetembo, (2008), compiled and edited by Mambo Press, Gweru.
  1. Matambirofa, F., “The Problematics of a Feminist Ontology: Reflections on Zimbabwe Women Writers Poetry Project – Ngatisimuke: Nhapitapi yeNhorimbo” in Z. Gambahaya, M. Furusa & R. Magosvongwe (eds.), (2006), African Womanhood in Zimbabwean Literature: New Perspectives on Women’s Literature in African Languages, College Press, Harare.
  1. Matambirofa, F., “Orature and Morpholexical Deconstruction as Lexicographic Archaelogical Sites: Some Implications for Dictionaries of African   Languages”, (2001) in Lexikos, Vol. 10.
  1. Matambirofa, F., “Some Aspects of the Architecture of the Possessive Noun Phrase in Bantu, (2000) in Zambezia, Vol. 27, No. 1.
  1. Matambirofa, F., at el., (1997) “Was the Dictionary Review Motivated by Hate?”, in Southern Review, Vol. 10, No. 7
  1. Matambirofa, F., “The Marginalisation and Death of Indigenous Languages in Africa”, in Journal of Philosophy and Development, Vol. i/ii, January, 1997.
  1. Chimhundu, H., Mberi, E.N., Batidzirai R.B., Chitauro, M.B, Mangoya, E., & Matambirofa, F. (1996) Duramazwi ReChiShona, College Press, Harare.
  1. Matambirofa, F., “The Language Dilemma and Crisis in African Philosophy”, (eds.) C. Summner & S.W. Yohannes in Perspectives in African Philosophy, Value Inquiry Book Series, 1995.
  1. Matambirofa, F.,“Diaspora, Cultural Disintegration and Underdevelopment: Case of Zimbabwe 2001-2011” In (Eds.) Sadananda, S. and Pattanaik, B.K.,Diaspora and Development: Prospects and Implications for Nation States to be published by Springer Books,             New Delhi. pp 251-265.
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