school and education






Chaplaincy Department

Our Vision

To be a God Fearing Community that upholds Love, Peace and Integrity.


The mission of the Chaplain’s Office supports the vocation of the University of Zimbabwe by tending matters of the heart and spirit and providing resources that enable men and women to grow into a deeper spiritual maturity.

Our Values

The Ecumenical Chaplaincy seeks to create an atmosphere, among students and staff, where the following values are cherished:

• Truthfulness

• Accountability

• Responsibility

• Righteousness

• Tolerance

Our Goals and Objectives

1.The Chaplaincy is here to promote Christian faith on Campus. By providing spiritual guidance, moral and material support to students and members of staff in an ecumenical spirit.

2. The Chaplaincy coordinates Christian activities on or out of campus in liaison with all registered and active

3. Free counseling by the Senior Chaplain is available. If you are feeling low, depressed, suicidal, extremely burdened with life, do not hesitate to visit the Chaplaincy.

4. The Chaplaincy makes arrangements for funerals and memorial services for members of the University Community.

5. The Senior Chaplain will visit and pray for the sick in hospitals, hostels and homes.

6. Chaplaincy is involved in the welfare of the students by mobilizing resources for the Chaplaincy Hardship fund which is used to help students in desperate situations.

7. Chaplaincy to assist those who do not belong to any Christian fellowship get connected.

8. Chaplaincy to assist those with passion for music to come and join the UZ choir for enrichment, entertainment and training exposure.


The office of the university chaplain exists primarily to provide pastoral care and serve as a spiritual resource to the University community. Therefore, the chaplain is a resource to departments and administration, faculty and students to address spiritual needs on both individual and institutional levels. In terms of pastoral care, the chaplain offers support, prayer, consolation, and spiritual guidance to administration, faculty, staff, and students. Situations that call for pastoral care and visitation can include personal illness, death or illness of a family member, and personal and family crises. To this end the chaplain works with the deans of each school of the University and other key administrators to identify needs and appropriate avenues for pastoral care. Because the Chaplain's Office serves the entire University it provides a tie that binds the community together that is central to the University of Zimbabwe’s mission.

Providing Spiritual and Moral Guidance

Tel: 303211 Ext: 12037

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