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    Faculty of Veterinary Science

    Faculty of Veterinary Science is a university division specializing in teaching in areas traditionally classified as “Vet Science” for academic purposes.

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    Veterinary Science Degrees

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Our Faculties

Faculty of Veterinary Science

The Faculty of Veterinary Science will be known for being a global centre of excellence in higher education training, research, innovation and community outreach with respect to animal health and production thereby contributing to the enhancement of quality of human life on a sustainable basis.

Dean's Welcome Message

The academic quality of the degree programmes offered by the faculty is of utmost importance to us, the veterinary profession, animal health industry and society. Internationally, the veterinary profession is always under scrutiny with regard to its relevance to the ever dynamic industry and society. Hence, we are aware of the need to continually review programmes and curricula in order to keep abreast with national, regional and global demands. Modern veterinary education also needs to move towards a more student-centered education which encourages self-learning and problem-solving. The University of Zimbabwe has pioneered the heritage-based Education 5.0 whose main thrust is to enable students to produce goods and services that help to modernize our society. Previously career opportunities in Zimbabwe and most of the region were mostly in the government veterinary services and public universities but currently many of our graduates have been empowered to be innovative and start their own businesses or work in other fields such as the pharmaceutical and commercial livestock industry. Additional knowledge and skills on aspects such as animal welfare, communication, professional ethics, entrepreneurship, management and leadership have been introduced into our curricula. A good professional should also have awareness of the need for lifelong learning. The faculty with the guidance of the profession and other stakeholders is always striving to come up with tailor-made continuous professional development (CPD) modules. The faculty is involved in research and innovation targeted at the development of human resources that can effectively transform animal health, welfare and productivity in the region and beyond. The thrusts of the faculty are in line with the 2019 to 2025 University of Zimbabwe Strategic Plan, within which the focus areas are: Animal Disease Intelligence; Zoonotic Diseases and Food Safety; Veterinary Pharmaceuticals Ethno-medicine and Vaccinology; Aquatic Health and Apiculture; and Animal Reproductive Technologies and Nutrition.

  • Development and sustenance of excellent quality professional veterinary and para-veterinary teaching based on changing agricultural trends, animal disease dynamics, and microeconomics.
  • Promotion of high quality client-driven research on health, welfare and production of livestock, companion, wild and exotic animals.
  • Provision of good quality and relevant community outreach programmes and services to all sectors of the economy.
  • Development of knowledge-based innovative solutions, goods and services to the animal health industry, commerce and society.
  • To develop products, prototypes and centres of excellence in animal health, welfare and production to drive industrialization of the animal health sector


Professor. G. Matope

Qualifications: DPhil (UZ), MVSc (UQ), BVSc (UZ)

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Veterinary Science Programmes

Undergraduate Programmes
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) Veterinary Science (BVSc)
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) Veterinary Bioengineering (HVSB)
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) Veterinary Technology (HVST)
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) Veterinary Therapeutics (HVSP) 
Postgraduate Programmes

Postgraduate by Coursework (MVSc)

  • Master of Veterinary Science Veterinary Anatomy
  • Master of Veterinary Science Veterinary Biochemistry
  • Master of Veterinary Science Veterinary Physiology
  • Master of Veterinary Science Veterinary Pharmacology/Toxicology
  • Master of Veterinary Science Veterinary Pathology
  • Master of Veterinary Science Veterinary Parasitology
  • Master of Veterinary Science Veterinary Microbiology
  • Master of Veterinary Science Tsetse and Trypanosomosis Control
  • Master of Veterinary Science Small Ruminant Medicine and Production Management
  • Master of Veterinary Science Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology
  • Master of Veterinary Science Veterinary Science Zoonoses and Animal Food-Borne Diseases
  • Master of Veterinary Science Small Animal Medicine
  • Master of Veterinary Science Veterinary Epidemiology

Higher degrees by research (Mphil & DPhil)

  • Master of Philosophy
  • Doctor of Philosophy
Entry requirements and duration

Undergraduate Programmes:

To qualify for entry, a prospective student must satisfy the Entry Requirements for undergraduate degrees as prescribed in the General Academic Regulations for undergraduate degrees of the University of Zimbabwe. For normal entry, a student must satisfy the general requirements of Scheme A normally with passes at A-level in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and/or Agriculture. Biology and Chemistry are compulsory plus any one of the other subjects must have been passed at A-level. For BSc Honours Veterinary Bioengineering, candidates must have a Pass in A level Physics. For special entry, a student must satisfy the general requirements of Scheme B and the criteria prescribed in the General Academic Regulations and approved by the Faculty Board


For the Masters Degree programmes, it is 2 years and 3 years for full-time and part-time students, respectively and first degree with a 2.1 or better in the relevant area of study is a requirement. For the DPhil programme, it is 3 years for full-time and 5 years for part-time students and a Masters degree is a requirement.



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