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Dr. A. Makochekanwa

Senior Lecturer


Dr. Albert Makochekanwa 
Qualifications: PhD University of Pretoria, South Africa, MSc Economics, UZ; BSc (hons) Economics, UZ; and Certificate in Project Management, Unisa.

Research Interests  : International Economics and Trade; Applied Econometrics; Climate change

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Extension: 14281



Dr.  Albert Makochekanwa is an economist with over 15 years of experience in economics and social science issues.  He has worked extensively in Africa, specifically, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Botswana and Ethiopia. Dr. Makochekanwa has published several papers and contributed to several studies on economic issues in Southern Africa. Dr. Makochekanwa holds a Ph.D. in Economics Degree (University of Pretoria, South Africa), a Master of Science (MSc) in Economics Degree (University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe) and an Honours in Economics Degree (University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe). Over the years, Dr. Makochekanwa has also been a consultant to the following organizations with which he has produced technical and policy documents: (1) World Bank Institute (WIB) Washington DC, USA; (2) United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Virtual Institute (UNCATDVi), Geneva, Switzerland; (3) Trade and Industrial Strategies (TIPS of South Africa) and AusAID,  (4) Center for Global Development (CGD), Washington DC, USA; (5) United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Harare, Zimbabwe; (6) African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), Kenya; (7) Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), Canada; (8) Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI), Namibia, (9) Underhill Capital Solutions, South Africa, (10) University of Mauritius (UoM), Mauritius; and (11) Trade and Development Studies Centre, Zimbabwe, among others.



  1. Albert Makochekanwa and Mildred Mapani. (2016), Data Envelopment and Stochastic Frontier Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Central Hospitals in Zimbabwe. Asian Economic Review, Vol 58(1): 139-160.
  2. Albert Makochekanwa, and Earnest Manjengwa (2015), Mergers & acquisition and firm performance in Zimbabwe, Asian Economic Review. Vol. 57 (4): 57-83.
  3. Albert Makochekanwa, Roseline Tapuwa Karambakuwa, and Terrence Kairiza. (2015), An Empirical Application of the Gravity Model to Assess the Trade Potential of Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreements between the European Union and Southern African Countries. Journal of Economics, Vol 6(3): 226 – 237.
  4. Albert Makochekanwa and Admire Mutizwa (2015). Impact of Environmental Quality on Health Status: A Study of 12 Southern African Development Community (SADC) Countries between 2000 and 2008. Botswana Journal of Economics, Vol. 13, No. 1: 87-111.
  5. Makochekanwa, A. (2014), Does “Grease Money” speed up the wheels of commerce for Zimbabwean firms? ZAMBEZIA, Vol 41, i/ii: 72 – 89.
  6. Albert Makochekanwa (2016), An Analysis of Factors that Determine Firm Survival During Economic Crises: The Case of Zimbabwean Manufacturing Firms. ZAMBEZIA, Vol 1, (2).
  7. Albert Makochekanwa (2014), The potential impact of COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite FTA on food security. African Integration and Development Revie, Vol. 7, No. 2: 1-33.
  8. Albert Makochekanwa (2014), Is corruption really harmful to growth? Evidence from Zimbabwean firms. University of Zimbabwe Business Review (UZBReview) Journal, Vol 2, No. 2: 1 – 16.
  9. Albert Makochekanwa, Carren Pindiri, and Solomon Ndudzo (2014), Examining the long run relationship between import structure and economic growth in Zimbabwe. University of Zimbabwe Business Review (UZBReview) Journal, Vol 2, No. 2: 29 – 42.
  10. Albert Makochekanwa (2014), Welfare implications of COMESA-EAC-SADC tripartite free trade area. African Development Review, Vol. 26, No. 1: 186–202.
  11. Albert Makochekanwa (2014), COMESA-EAC-SADC tripartite free trade area: Implication on welfare and food security. African Integration and Development Review, Vol 7, No. 1: 1 – 29.
  12. Albert Makochekanwa and Emson F. Chiwenga (2013), Impact of post crisis foreign trade policy on intra-regional trade and investment in SADC. Journal of Strategic Studies, Vol. 4, Issue 1: 1 – 25.
  13. Albert Makochekanwa (2013), An analysis of tourism contribution to economic growth in SADC Countries. Botswana Journal of Economics, Volume 11, and Issue 15, pages: 42-56.
  14. Albert Makochekanwa (2012), Kubhena mari as a coping strategy of urban households during Zimbabwe’s crisis. ZAMBEZIA, Vol 39, No. 2.
  15. Albert Makochekanwa (201b2), Measuring the second economy in Zimbabwe. Botswana Journal of Economics, Volume 10, and Issue 14, pages: 27-58.
  16. Albert Makochekanwa, Prosper Kambarami, and James Hurungo (2012), Zimbabwe’s Experience With Trade Liberalization. African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) Research Working Paper Series 245. AERC, Nairobi, Kenya.
  17. Albert Makochekanwa, Andre, C. Jordaan and Francis, M. Kemegue, (2012a), Assessing Botswana’s textiles export trade potential using the gravity model. Botswana Journal of Economics, Vol. 9; Issue 13, pages: 40 – 56.
  18. Albert Makochekanwa (2011), Impact of Budget Deficit on Inflation in Zimbabwe. The Economic Research Guardian. Vol 1, No. 2: 49 – 59.
  19. Albert Makochekanwa, James Maringwa and Edmore Mahembe (2010), The Impact of SADC Trade protocol Implementation on Trade in Agri-food products. African Integration Review Journal. Vol 4, No. 1, pp. 109 – 156.
  20. Albert Makochekanwa, Andre, C. Jordaan and Francis, M. Kemegue, (2010), Intra-industry and inter-industry: A sectoral analysis for Botswana, Asian-African Journal of Economics and Econometrics, Vol 10, No. 2: 261 – 276.
  21. Makochekanwa Albert, Hazvina Fanuel and Zivengwa Tichaona (2010), Zimbabwe: The 11th Province of South Africa — From one form of domination to another: A Horse and rider relationship, Journal of Strategic Studies, 1, No. 1: 82 – 100.
  22. Albert Makochekanwa, (2010), State fragility and restoring order in Zimbabwe, African Peace and Conflict Journal., Vol 3, No. 1
  23. Albert Makochekanwa (2007). Zimbabwe’s Hyperinflation Money Demand Model, The Journal of World Economics Review; Vol. 2: 203 – 214, July – December 2007.
  24. Albert Makochekanwa (2008), Is Inequality Harmful for Botswana’s Economic Growth (Journal of Business Management, Vol 1, No. 1, pp. 21-31, January – June 2008)


  1. Makochekanwa A. and C. Manyeruke (Forthcoming), The Impact of Dollarization on Zimbabwe, University of Zimbabwe Publications, Harare, Zimbabwe.


  1. Makochekanwa, A. (2014), Zimbabwe Skilled Migrants in Botswana: What Are the Impacts? In International Migration and Development in Eastern and Southern Africa. Published by The Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  2. Makochekanwa, A. (2014), The impact of foreign land deals on selected African economies, in New Generation Land Grabs in Africa: Implications for Trade, Investment and Development Policies, Africa Institute of South Africa.
  3. Makochekanwa, A. (2009), Zimbabwe’s Hyperinflation: Can dollarization be the cure? (2011), in “Zimbabwe: Picking Up the Pieces”, edited by The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), Canada. Published by Palgrave.
  4. Makochekanwa, A. (Forthcoming), Impacts of Regional Trade Agreements on Trade in Agrifood Products: Evidence from Eastern and Southern Africa. Forthcoming – African Development Bank.
  5. Makochekanwa, A (Forthcoming). Introduction background and overview, in Makochekanwa and Manyeruke (Forthcoming), The Impact of Dollarization on Zimbabwe, University of Zimbabwe Publications, Harare, Zimbabwe.
  6. Makochekanwa, A (Forthcoming), Factors that cause non– performing loans in a dollarized Zimbabwean economy and strategies to resolve them, in Makochekanwa and Manyeruke (Forthcoming), The Impact of Dollarization on Zimbabwe, University of Zimbabwe Publications, Harare, Zimbabwe.
  7. Makochekanwa, A and P. Chimhete. (Forthcoming), The efficacy of bond coins in averting problems of change and pricing system brought by dollarization, in Makochekanwa and Manyeruke (Forthcoming), The Impact of Dollarization on Zimbabwe, University of Zimbabwe Publications, Harare, Zimbabwe.
  8. Makochekanwa, A and S. Chimombe. (Forthcoming), An analysis of the impact of dollarization on Zimbabwe’s international trade flows, in Makochekanwa and Manyeruke (Forthcoming), The Impact of Dollarization on Zimbabwe, University of Zimbabwe Publications, Harare, Zimbabwe.
  9. Makochekanwa, A and S. Rusere. (Forthcoming), The impact of dollarization on the gold mining sector of Zimbabwe, in Makochekanwa and Manyeruke (Forthcoming), The Impact of Dollarization on Zimbabwe, University of Zimbabwe Publications, Harare, Zimbabwe.


  1. Albert Makochekanwa (2016). Zimbabwe to introduce Zimbabwe Bond Notes: reactions and perceptions of economic agents within the first seven days after the announcement. Available at:
  2. Albert Makochekanwa and Gibson Chigumira (2014). Financial Liberalization Crisis: Experiences and Lessons for Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe Economic Policy Analysis and research Unit (ZEPARU) Working Paper Series.
  3. Albert Makochekanwa, Gibson Chigumira, and Jecob Nyamadzawo (2010). Feasibility and rationale for establishing a debt management office in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe Economic Policy Analysis and research Unit (ZEPARU) Working Paper Series 02/10
  4. Zimbabwe's Currency Crisis: Which Currency to Adopt in the Aftermath of the Aftermath of Multi-Currency Regime? Available at
  5. Dwindling Access to Basic Services In Zimbabwe, (2010). Available at:
  6. The impact of Mode IV on trade in goods in SADC region: The case of South Africa. Available at:
  7. Measuring the Welfare cost of inflation in Zimbabwe. Abstract available at:
  8. A Dynamic Enquiry into the Causes of Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe. Available at:
  9. Chiadzwa Diamonds: Zimbabwe’s potential economic recovery option. Available at:
  10. An Empirical Investigation of Capital Flight from Zimbabwe. Available at:
  11. Clothed in rags by hyperinflation: the case of Zimbabwe. Available at:    
  12. Increasing temporary movement of natural persons in the SADC region: What should be done
  13. Higher Education Impact of Universities in the South African Economy: A Report for Higher Education South Africa (September 2007) [co-authored by Jan van Heerden, Heinrich Bohlmanni, James Giesecke and Louise Roos]. Available at:
  14. Look East – Best Alternative to EPAs. De-linking from Stagnating Europe and Linking to Growing Asia (2007) (Trade & Development Studies Centre – Zimbabwe: Available at:
  15. Zimbabwe’s Black Market for Foreign Exchange. Available at:
  16. Botswana’s revealed comparative advantage. Available at:
  17. Hyperinflation chaos and its impact on economic calculation: Evidence from the Zimbabwean experience. Available at:
  18. An empirical test of the Dutch Disease hypothesis on Botswana's main exports. Available at:
  19. Strategy for concluding an all inclusive and full EPAs for ESA and SADC Groups with EU. Available at:

  20. Identifying the trade theory model behind Botswana’s sectoral exports. Available at:

  21. State Fragility: Zimbabwe’s horrific journey in the new millennium. Available at:

  22. SACU (Run-Away) Trade Agenda: Challenges and Threats to The SADC Regional Integration Project (Trade & Development Centre – Zimbabwe. Available at:


  1. Diamonds: Zimbabwe’s economic recovery (The Zimbabwean Newspaper, 13th May 2010). Available at:

  2. Zimbabwe’s million-dollar question. (The Zimbabwean Newspaper, 25th June 2010). Available at:



  1. “Zimbabwe: The 11th Province of South Africa? From one form of domination to another” in ”, in Southern African Trade and Development Newsletter, Issue No. 31, March 2010. Available at:
  2. “Looking East: Opportunities for Southern Africa”, in Southern African Trade and Development Newsletter, Issue No. 25, March 2007. Available at:

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