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Dr Colin Musara



Dr Colin Musara

Qualifications: MSc (Physiology) (University of Liverpool) BVSc (UZ), BSc Veterinary Physiology (UZ) 

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Areas of Specialization: Veterinary Physiology - The digestive system



Dr Musara joined the Preclinical department in October 1997 as a Veterinary Physiology Lecturer. He has been the Chairperson of the Preclinical Department since 2008. In January 2015, Dr Musara was promoted to a Senior Veterinary Physiology Lecturer. Dr Musara’s research interests are focused on Veterinary Physiology, especially on the digestive system. Currently, Dr Musara has published 11 peer-reviewed journal articles mainly in the field of physiology. He is extensively consulted in Poultry and Cattle. 

Research Publications

  1. Musara C, Pote W (2014). Application of osmometry in quality analysis of milk. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51(3): 606-610,
  2. Musara C, Pote W (2013). Application of osmometry in monitoring fermentation of milk. World Journal of Dairy and Food Sciences, 8(2): 181-184,
  3. Pote W, Tagwireyi D, Chinyanga HM, Musara C, Nyandoro G, Chifamba J, Nkomozepi P (2013). Cardiovascular effects of Boophone disticha aqueous ethanolic extract on early maternally separated BALB/C mice. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 148 (2): 379-385, 
  4. Musara C, Vaillant C (2013). Immunohistochemical studies of the enteric nervous system and interstitial cells of Cajal in the canine stomach. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 80(1): Art. # 518, 4 pages, doi:10.4102/ojvr.v80il.518 
  5. Musara C, Chamunorwa J, Holtug K, Skadhauge E (2003). Insight into the mechanism of short chain fatty acid absorption in the ostrich (Struthio camelus) proximal colon. British Poultry Science, 44(2): 316-326 
  6. Musara C, Chamunorwa JP, Holtug K, Skadhauge E (2002). Water absorption in relation to fermentation in the colon of the ostrich (Struthio camelus). Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 69: 315-320
  7. Elrwanger KH, Umapathy E, Musara C, Kandiwa E, Kruszewska D, Mattsson I, Pierzynowski SG (2001). The effects of cowpea (Vigna unguiculta) feeding on basal, exogenous cholecystokin (CCK33) and secretin stimulated pancreatic secretions of the anaesthetized rat. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, 10: 525-534 
  8. Musara C, Chidumo P, Muronzi N (1999). A retrospective analysis of water balance and hatchability in artificially incubated ostrich (Struthio camelus) eggs. Zimbabwe Veterinary Journal, 30(3): 75-84, (
  9. Musara C, Dziva F (1999). Early embryonic mortality associated with Streptomyces infection in ostrich eggs.Zimbabwe Veterinary Journal, 30(1): 33-38, (
  10. Makinde MO, Musara C, Tagwira M (1994). Effect of age on the serum anti-soya immunoglobulin titres in pigs.Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa, 333-334

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