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    Faculty of Engineering And The Built Environment

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    Engineering And The Built Environment Degrees

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Eng. Emanuel Rashayi



Eng Emanuel Rashayi

Qualifications: Pr. Eng(ECZ) , MIEEE(USA), MZweIE, CCNP  # CSCO10833177 MPhil  Electrical Engineering , University of Zimbabwe – 2003-2007 BSc(Hons ) Electrical Engineering , University of Zimbabwe – 1995-1999

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Research Interests: Embedded systems; Computer networks; Renewable energy applications; Energy efficiency

Eng. Emanuel Rashayi is a registered Professional Engineer with Engineering Council of Zimbabwe. He is a Member of ZIE and IEEE (USA). He graduated with a first class Bsc (Hons) in Electrical Engineering in 1999 at the University of Zimbabwe. Briefly worked for South Wales Electric Pvt Ltd in Design and Development of Power and Distribution Transformers before joining the University of Zimbabwe in 2001. He did his MPhil in Electrical Engineering at the University of Zimbabwe. His research studies for MPhil looked at Simulation and Optimisation of grid connected Photovoltaic Systems in Zimbabwe. Currently a Lecturer in Electrical  and Electronic Engineering department. Courses taught include Microcontroller Fundamentals, Computer Engineering & Computer Networks, Power Electronics, and Control Systems. A versatile Academic, Lecturer and Trainer. Has received extensive training in Internet Technologies at Cisco Headquarters in San Jose, California, USA in 2006. This was under United States Telecommunications Training Institute initiative. Has worked with Cisco Systems Inc. in conjunction with UNDP, UNIFEM, USAID and ITU in providing ICT education with emphasis on hands-on skills in Universities in Zambia and Zimbabwe.

He is a moderator for the several courses at the Polytechnic of Namibia including Microcontroller Applications at BTech and BEng level. Is very much involved in review of publications in his field. He was the chairman of the UZ/ZIE Paperettee Competition committee (2015-2017), vice-chairman of the Faculty Research committee, Faculty representative on the UZ consultancy committee, alternate member of the UZ computer committee, member of the Faculty Accreditation committee.

His Research interests include Renewable Energy Technologies, Modelling and Simulation of Systems, Computer Networks and Embedded Systems. Current Research being sponsored by ZERA include “A study of Solar Water Heaters for Zimbabwe: Demand-side Management, GHG-emission abatement, Consumer Economics and Rolling-out”   and “Assessment of Potential of Roof Integrated PV systems in Zimbabwe”.


  1. Peter ManyereEdward ChikuniJoseph MudareEmmanuel RashayiThanks Marisa. Long Duration Linear Frequency Modulated Pulse Based Spotlight Synthetic Aperture Radar Sub-image Reconstruction Error Reduction Technique.. April 2018 ACRID'17: Proceedings of the EAI International Conference on Research, Innovation and Development for Africa. Publisher: ICST (Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering)
  2. Liberty Mutauranwa, Thanks Marisa, Peter Manyere, Emanue Rashayi. The development and Application of a Smart Ultrasonic Sensor IP-Core in a Mobile Autonomous Robot. April 2018 ACRID'17: Proceedings of the EAI International Conference on Research, Innovation and Development for Africa. Publisher: ICST (Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering
  3.  Rashayi E, Chikuni,E. “A Survey of PV-Grid connection strategies”.Proceedings of the Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers, vol 3,no 1, pp 14-18,Sept 2002.
  4. Chikuni E, Rashayi E, Gallert P. “International Technology Transfer: An Insight into the Co-operation between a Multi-national and an African University”.  International Conference on Engineering Education, Gliwice, Poland, Pages 438-443 ISSN 1562-3580, July 25-29,  2005
  5. Rashayi, E; Chikuni, E;, "The potential of grid connected photovoltaic arrays in Zimbabwe," Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON), 2012 16th IEEE Mediterranean , vol., no., pp.285-288, 25-28 March 2012.
  6. Kabasa B, Rashayi E, Chikuni E , “Online monitoring of lightning incidence and severity in rural Zimbabwe”  IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2013),vol.,no.,pp.875-878,February 25-27,2013.
  7. Chikuni E,  Goncalves-Longatt F, Rashayi E, Okoro O, “Power System, Substation Automation and the Smart Grid, how should universities react?” IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2013),vol.,no.,pp.905-909,February 25-27,2013.
  8. Gonzalez-Longatt F, Chikuni E, Rashayi E, “Effects of the Synthetic Inertia from Wind Power on the Total System Inertia after a Frequency Disturbance” IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2013),vol.,no.,pp.826-832,February 25-27,2013
  9. Chikuni E, Rashayi E, Gallert P. “International Technology Transfer: An Insight into the Co-operation between a Multi-national and an African University”.  International Conference on Engineering Education, Gliwice, Poland, Pages 438-443 ISSN 1562-3580, July 25-29,  2005
  10. Chikuni, E.; Okoro, O.I.; Akuru, U.B.; Rashayi, E., "A multi-strategy approach to improve the performance of electrical power engineering students," in Engineering Education (ICEED), 2013 IEEE 5th Conference on , vol., no., pp.32-36, 4-5 Dec. 2013
  11. Mutepfe C.D.K, Rashayi E, Mabunda E, “Intelligent Water Dispensing System Model Utilizing AAA Framework”, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), vol 2, issue 7, pp 5 - 8. , 2013

Papers under Review

  1. JSESD under review: Title- ‘Design and Development of an Automated Mult-Source Fed Synchronized Grid Power System for Providing Households with Continous Power Supply’. Corresponding Author: Washington Musungwa. Co-Authors:Emanuel Rashayi, Peter Manyere, Thanks Marisa.


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