school and education






Mr. O. Mavundutse


M.Ed (UZ); B.Ed (UZ); CE (UZ)

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Major: Educational Psychology

Research Interests: Basic quality education; action research  


  1. Chisaka, B.C& Mavundutse, O. (2006) Quality concerns in Basic Primary Education in two rural Districts of Zimbabwe: An interrogation of perceptions of critical stakeholders. Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research: Volume 18 No 1.
  2. Mavundutse O and Dozva M : Teaching Practice Examining in associate Colleges of Education in Zimbabwe in Mamvuto A, Kangai P,Chivore B.R.S. and Zindi F (2012) -Excellence in Teacher Education The Zimbabwean Experience
  3. Mavundutse, O., Munetsi, C., Mamvuto, A., Mavhunga, P.J, Kangai, P., Gatsi, R.: Teacher Education Needs Arising from New Resettlement Areas in Zimbabwe: Academic Research International ISSN2223 9553 Vol.3 No 2 September 2012
  4. Chivore,B.R.S.; Mavundutse,O.;Kuyayama-Tumbare,A.; Gwaunza,L. and Kangai,P.(eds) (2015) Handbook for Quality Assurance in Associate Teachers’ Colleges: Department of Information, Protocol and Public Relations: University of Zimbabwe: Harare.ISBN:978-1-77920-043-3
  5. Mavundutse, T. and Mavundutse, O.; (2014) An Analysis of Non-Terminal Public Examinations in Zimbabwe: Saarbrucken, Scholars Press. ISBN: 978-3-639-71634-4
  6. Mavundutse, O.; Luthuli,A.J.; Chivore,B.R.S. and Dube S. (2013) Teaching Practice: Protocol and Public Relations: University of Zimbabwe: Harare
  7. Gatsi,R. and Mavundutse, O.;(2013) Handbook on the Teaching of Reading at Primary School Level: Save the Children; Harare. ISBN: 978-0-79745589-4
  8. Mavundutse, O.; (2012) Stress Antecedents and Coping Strategies among Students Teachers: Lambert Academic Publishers; Saarbrucken. ISBN -13:978-3-659-16708-9
  9. Mavundutse, O.; and Dozva, M,;(2012) Teaching Practice Examining in Associate Colleges of Education in Zimbabwe in Mamvuto, A,; Kangai, P.; Chivore ,B.R.S. and Zindi,F.(eds) (2012) Excellence in Teacher Education: The Zimbabwe Experience. Department of Information, Protocol and Public Relations; University of Zimbabwe: Harare. ISBN: 978-1-77920-045-7
  10. Mavundutse, O.; Munetsi;C.; Mamvuto, A.; Mavhunga;P.J.; Kangai, P. and Gatsi,R. (2012) Emerging Teacher Education Needs as a Result of Land Reform in Zimbabwe: A Focus on New Resettlement Areas; Academic Research International Vol.3 No.2. ISBN:-L: 2223-9553, ISSN 2223-9944 p298-305
  11. Mavhunga; P.J.; Mavundutse, O. and Mamvuto, A. ; (2008) Professional Studies: The Zimbabwe Teacher Education Curriculum Burden Bearer? The Zimbabwe Bulletin of Teacher Education Vol. 15, Issue 1 p 110-126
  12. Chitsaka B.C. and Mavundutse, O.; (2006) Quality Concerns in Basic Primary Education in Two Rural Districts of Zimbabwe: An Interrogation of Perceptions of Critical Stakeholders. Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research: Vol 18 Issue1 p103-122
  13. Mavundutse, O.; (2004) Stress Antecedents among Student Teachers: The Zimbabwe Bulletin of Teacher Education Vol.13, Issue 1 p4-20
  14. Chitsaka B.C. and Mavundutse, O.; (2003) Report on a Needs Assessment on Access to Basic Education in Zimbabwe: The Case of Bikita and Rushinga District: Save the Children Norway Harare

Commissioned Reports.        

  1. Chisaka, B.C & Mavundutse, O. (2003) Needs Assessment study on Access to Quality Basic Education in Zimbabwe. The case for Bikita and Rushinga Districts. Report presented to Save the Children Norway - Zimbabwe.
  2. Mavundutse, O. et al. (2004). Teacher Education needs arising from new resettlement area. Report Presented to the Research Board of the University of Zimbabwe.
  3. Mavundutse, O. et al (2006) A Participatory Evaluation of the first phase of the Quality Education Project (QEP) in Gonder Zone, Amhara region, Ethiopia Report Presented to Save the Children. Norway-Zimbabwe.
  4. Chisaka, B.C., Mavundutse, O. & Mukabeta, M.T. (2007). Report on the Bikita Quality Education Project (QEP) Review. Report presented To Save the Children. Norway-Zimbabwe.
  5. Mavundutse O and Gatsi R (2013) Report on the Training of untrained teachers: The case of Binga District: Save the Children Zimbabwe

Consultancy Work

Workshop Papers Presented

  1. Teaching reading at primary school 2012 to date
  2. Teaching reading to learners with learning difficulties 2012 to date
  3. Doing Action Research in the Classroom Bondolfi Teachers College June 2012.
  4. Teaching Practice Examining in Associate Colleges of Zimbabwe 2009 Flamboyant Hotel Masvingo.
  5. Quality Control and Quality Assurance in the University of Zimbabwe Scheme of Association 2012- University of Zimbabwe.
  6. Academic and Teaching Practice Examining 2012 United College of Education Bulawayo.
  7. Inclusive Education in Teacher Education 2011Management Training Bureau Harare.
  8. Curriculum Depth Study Induction Workshop. Belvedere Teachers Training College 2 June 2010 Supervising Action Research at Teachers' College Level
  9. Promoting Quality Education Quality Research Methods and Action Research 18-20 May 2010 Bronte Hotel, Harare.-Action Research and Supervision of Action Research projects in Teachers' Colleges
  10. National ECD workshop 8-10 Feb 2010 Cresta Oasis Hotel- Characteristics of 6-8 year old children: Implicationsfor Teacher Education

Workshops Attended

  1. Presidential Commission Report on education and Training Symposium 26 July 2012 University of Zimbabwe;
  2. Short Training Initiative in Inclusive Education: Gent-Belgium 19 -30 November 2012;
  3. Special Needs Education 16-28 April 2012 United College of Education Bulawayo;
  4. Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education VVOB-Quality Education and Vulnerability Programme Second Phase (2011-2013) Planning Workshop Chinhoyi University 17-19 February 2010.
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