Acting Dean
Ms Fungai N. Mukora
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: +263 242 333535 / 303211 ext 15073/4, 18200
Fungai is the Acting Dean of the Faculty of Computer Engineering Informatics and Communications. Fungai teaches Hardware Engineering, with a keen interest in Logic Design and Circuits, Digital Electronics and Digital Computer Fundamentals. She has over 15 Years University experience in Teaching, Research and Administration and her research interests include Digital Transformation, ICT Adoption with emphasis on marginalized groups and communities.
In 2020, Fungai contributed to the transition from Education 3.0 to Education 5.0. This saw the setting up the new Faculty of Computer Engineering Informatics and Communications, which will be at the centre of developing ICT systems and products geared at supporting digitalisation at the UZ. This adoption of ICTs, despite the Covid Pandemic, has seen the UZ embrace the new normal and manage to adapt and produce quality education products by adopting eLearning platforms. In her individual capacity, Fungai participated in research on the Education Needs of children during emergencies, which will contribute to policy formulation with regards to Education in Crisis Situations such as Covid-19.