Dr R. Jaji
Key Research area:Migration, Conflict & Peace Studies, Gender, Legal Anthropology
1. Jaji, R. (2016). The Patriarchal Logic, ‘Encroaching’ Femininity and Migrant Zimbabwean Women. Kabbo ka Muwala (The Girl’s Basket). Berlin: Revolver Publishing.
2. Jaji, R. (2015). Under the Shadow of Genocide: Rwandans, Ethnicity and Refugee Status. Ethnicities DOI: 10.1177/1468796815603754.
3. Jaji, R. (2015). Normative, Agitated, and Rebellious Femininities among East and Central African Refugees. Gender, Place, and Culture: Journal of Feminist Geography 22(4) 2: 494-509. DOI: 1080/0966369X.2014.885886.