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Department of Community and Social Development held a workshop themed “Ama 2k… toward an HIV & AIDS free generation”

In pursuit of Education 5.0 tenets on partnerships, mentoring and co- production of knowledge, the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences Professor Stanzia Moyo and the Department of Community and Social Development held a workshop themed “Ama 2k… toward an HIV & AIDS free generation” on the 22nd of September 2023 at the University of Zimbabwe Diamond Lecture Theatre.

The event was set as part of a module class assignment for learners taking the module Institutions of Community Development by their Lecturer Ms Blessing Chikukutu as part of the degree program Social Innovation and Community Development program (BSICD). The learners were tasked to organize a real live event, invite guests, mobilise resources and set a program for the event.

The Acting Pro-Vice Chancellor and Executive Director of the Research and Innovation Directorate Professor Florence Mtambanegwe represented the Vice Chancellor.

The guest of honour, Hon. Tinoda Machakaire the Minister of Youth, Empowerment and Vocational Training was represented by Mr Elias Murinda, Chief Director in the Ministry.

Dr. Prolific S. Mataruse and a BSCID student Ms Kupakwashe were co-Directors of the Ceremony.

Dr Mayida and Professor Marvelous Mhloyi also presented on their research findings with the assistance of two students.

Facilitators from different organisations spoke about the background and statistics on HIV/AIDS, myths about the infection, campus soft life and Ama- blesser, medical testing and available help, strategies of disclosure and stigmatization, living positively, campaigns and co- creation of possible interventions.

The Dean of the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Professor Moyo gave the Vote of Thanks.

The students invited nine (9) organisations to partner in the event through key presentations.

These organisations included the Ministry of Youth, the Ministry of Health, the University of Zimbabwe Health Services, United Nations (UN) Women, the World Health Organization, Pangea Trust, the National Aids Council, and the New Start Centre.

5 schools participated Mt. Pleasant High School, Marlborough High School, Vainona High School, Harare High School, and Queen Elizabeth High School.

There was entertainment in the form of music and poetry from the UZ Choir, Mt Pleasant High and Marlborough High School. Parents were also involved as guests, and partners.

 ama2k  am2k  a2k
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