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Senior Lecturer

Dr P. H. Mugabe
Ph.D., 1996, Rangeland Ecology and Management, Texas A&M University, USA
MSc., 1989, Grassland Science, University of Reading, United Kingdom
BSc., 1986, Agriculture (Honours), Animal Science, University of Zimbabwe
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Professor Mugabe holds a Ph.D. in Rangeland Ecology and Management from Texas A&M University (1996), MSc., Grassland Science from University of Reading (1988), and a BSc. Agriculture (Honors), Animal Science from University of Zimbabwe (1984).

Professor Mugabe’s past and current research activities include characterization of rangeland resources in Zimbabwe, improvement of communal rangelands with herbaceous forage legumes, impacts of agrarian reforms on natural resources management in Zimbabwe, agroforestry interventions in smallholder livestock production, climate change evidence, impacts and adaptation in Zimbabwe, marketability of bagged silage for smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe, business incubation for agriculture graduates and developing rangeland assessment techniques. She has been principal investigator of research projects funded by IDRC, British Council/DfID, CIDA, CIRAD and ACIAR and has published nearly 30 book chapters, refereed journal articles, conference papers, teaching modules and Farmer Radio articles. Co-authored books include: Climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation in Zimbabwe; Migration, Rural Livelihoods and Natural Resources Management.; Managing natural resources for development in Africa: A resource book;The livestock sector after the fast track land reforms in Zimbabwe.; Tropical legumes for sustainable farming systems in Southern Africa and Australia.

Advisory and networking services include service on advisory boards and committees including Great Zimbabwe University Council; Zimbabwe UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Committee; Production and Conservation in Partnership Research Platform of CIRAD/UZ/NUST/CNRS and Agricultural Research Council. She has also have served as external examiner for Southern African Universities including University of Pretoria, Fort Hare Women, University in Africa, NUST, BUSE, and, as expert reviewer for ZIMCHE, ACIAR, United Nations Environment Program (UNEP); USAID Resilient Africa Network (RAN) Southern Africa Resilience Innovation lab (SA RILab) and British Council.

Research in Progress
Current Research
An evaluation of a goat pass on scheme in Chipinge district, funded by the European Union Livelihood For Improved Nutrition Project (2011-2013). This CIRAD commissioned project is the first of its nature for the Department of Animal Science and has supported an MPhil. Student Paidamoyo Musingarabwi for whom I am the major supervisor.

  • Field data collection and analysis has been completed.
  • A draft manuscript on Human-Wildilfe conflicts in Chipinge District has been prepared

Recently completed research

A Comparison of Rangeland Productivity between University of Zimbabwe Farm and Henderson Research Station
MSc. Research project by Nyarai Banana, 2012
Dr P. H. Mugabe: major supervisor

1. Kujinga,K., S.D.Chingarande, P.H. Mugabe and C. Nyelele. 2012. Interface between research, development and local actors in enhancing sustainable forest resources management: lessons from Chimanimani District, Zimbabwe. Jounal of Social Development in Africa. 27 (1): 23-56.
2. Chingarande, S.D, K Kujinga, P.H. Mugabe and E.Magaisa. 2012. Struggles within struggles: Gender and land reform experiences in Chimanimani District,Zimbabwe. Jounal of Social Development in Africa. 27 (1): 67-84.
3. Mugabe P.H., Kujing K., Chingarande S. D., Nyelele c., , Magaisa E. y Sanginga P. 2012 Migraciones por reforma agraria y manejo de recursos forestales en el Distrito de Chimanimani, Zimbabue in Susanna Hecht, Susan Kandel, y Abelardo Morales (Editador por) Migración, medios de vida rurales y manejo de recursos naturals. Centro Internacional de Investigaciones para el Desarrollo (IDRC) de Canadá. PRISMA. ISBN: 978−99923−965−6−8. Impreso en El Salvador
4. Mugabe, P.H., W.O. Ochola and Y.Yemshaw. 2010. Research in Natural Resource Management. In. Managing natural resources for development in Africa: A resource book Ochola W. O., P.C. Sanginga and I. Bekalo (eds). University of Nairobi Press, International Development Research Centre, International Institute of Rural Reconstruction, Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture. 2010. ISBN 9966-792-09-0 (978-9966-792-09-9) ISBN (IDRC e-book) 978-1-55250-506-9
5. Mugabe P.H. and Moyo M.T., 2008. Strategic management and development of grazing and water resources in resettlement areas. In: Khombe, C.T., and Ndlovu L.R. (Eds). The livestock sector after the fast track land reforms in Zimbabwe. Institute of Rural Technologies, National University of Science and Technology. ISBN: 987-0-7974-3698-5
6. Chinuwo, T., E Gandiwa, P.H Mugabe, I.D.T. Mpofu and E. Timpong-Jones. Effects of previous cultivation on regeneration of Julbernadia globiflora and Brachystegia spiciformis in grazing areas of Mupfurudzi Resettlement Scheme, Zimbabwe. African Journal of Range & Forage Science 2010, 27(1): 45–49
7. Mukandiwa L., P.H. Mugabe, T.E. Halimani and H. Hamudikuwanda, 2010. A note on the effect of supplementing rangeland grazing with Acacia angustissima mixed with pearl millet on growth performance of goats in a smallholder farming area in Zimbabwe. Livestock Research for Rural Development 22, Article # 009, Retrieved 8 December, 2009, from http://www.lrrd20/01/muka22009.htm
8. Chinuwo, T., P.H Mugabe, I.D.T. Mpofu, S.D Mulugeta, E. Timpong-Jones. 2009. A synopsis of cattle performance in Zimbabwe’s ‘initial’ resettlement areas after land reforms and redistribution Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa 57, (3)
9. Timpong-Jones E.C., Toxopeus, A.G., Mugabe P. H. and Chinuwo T. 2007. Grazing Capacity estimates: Why include biomass estimates from arable lands? Bulletin of Animal Health Production in Africa 55: 33-51
10. Mapiye, C, Mugabe, P. H. and Munthali, D., 2007. The potential of burning and grazing intensity management for rangeland improvement in Zimbabwe: an exploratory study. Sourthen African Journal of Education,Science and Technology, Volume (2): 103-110

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